Government of New Brunswick

Public Engagement Process to Renew Overcoming Poverty Together: The New Brunswick Economic and Social Inclusion Plan

The public engagement process ended on April 30, 2024, and we are now entering the data compilation and analysis phase. 

We wish to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the process by filling in the online questionnaire, submitting a brief, or contributing to public dialogues and focus groups!

For more information about the renewal of Overcoming Poverty Together, contact ESIC at 1-888-295-4545 or [email protected].

New Brunswickers have the opportunity to participate in various public engagement events, such as in-person and virtual community dialogues, sectorial dialogues, an online questionnaire, focus groups, and a call for briefs to various groups and organizations to help shape the next five-year plan.

Overcoming Poverty Together (OPT) is New Brunswick’s Economic and Social Inclusion Plan. At the heart of OPT is the desire for every New Brunswicker to be included and to have the opportunity to thrive.

The Economic and Social Inclusion Act requires that the plan be renewed every five years through a public engagement process that will outline pillars and priority actions to guide its implementation.

The fourth five-year plan, OPT4, is set to launch in early 2025.

For more information on the renewal, please visit


The Looking Back to Move Forward discussion paper provides participants with an overview of various New Brunswick’s achievements in poverty reduction and economic and social inclusion over the past years. The reader will find useful information in preparation for their participation in the renewal process.

To read the document, click here
OPT4 Process
Process Timeline
Process Timeline