Sample response letters

Find sample response letters and notices for applicants and third parties.


Quickly find sample response letter templates to help you respond to a right to information (RTI) request.

Final response letters

Grant full access

Respond to an applicant granting them full access to the records they requested.

Response letter – fully granted (.docx)

Grant partial access

Respond to an applicant granting them partial access to the records they requested.

Response letter – partially granted (.docx)

Full refusal

Respond to an applicant and inform them their request was fully refused.

Response letter – refusal (.docx)

Third party

Third party notice

Notify a third party that an applicant has requested access to information that may be an unreasonable invasion of their privacy or harm their business or financial interests.

Third party notice (.docx)

Third party notice to applicant

Inform an applicant that a third party will be consulted about the disclosure of the requested records.

Third party notice to applicant (.docx)

Notice to applicant – decision whether to release third party information

Inform an applicant of the public body’s decision to release third party information as per ss.36(2) of the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA).

Notice to applicant – decision on release of third party information (.docx)

Notice to third party – decision whether to release third party information

Inform a third party of the public body’s decision to release their information as per ss.36(2) of RTIPPA.

Notice to third party – decision whether to release third party information (.docx)

Correction of personal information

Acknowledge a request for correction

Acknowledge receipt of a request to correct personal information.

Acknowledgement of receipt of request for correction (.docx)

Decision – request for correction

Inform an applicant of the public body’s decision to correct their personal information.

Decision – request for correction (.docx)


Abandonment of request

Inform an applicant their request is being abandoned as per ss.12(2) of RTIPPA.

Abandonment of request (.docx)

Acknowledge an RTI request

Acknowledge the receipt of a right to information request.

Acknowledgement of receipt of an RTI request (.docx)


Request or confirm clarification from an applicant.

Clarification request and confirmation (.docx)

Information is or will be publicly available

Inform an applicant the records they’re seeking are or will be publicly available.

Information already publicly available (.docx)

Records are out of scope

Inform an applicant the records they are seeking do not fall under the scope of RTIPPA.

Response letter – records are out of scope of RTIPPA (.docx)

Records do not exist

Inform an applicant the records they requested do not exist.

Response – records do not exist (.docx)

Time extension

Inform an applicant that the timeline for responding to a request has been extended.

Time extension notification (.docx)

Transfer an RTI request

Inform an applicant their request for information has been transferred to another public body.

Transfer a request for information to another public body (.docx)