Provincial actions
Upgrade pump-out stations at two marinas and work with marinas to educate public regarding boating practices and sewage loading
This will ensure infrastructure at the two stations is suitable and convenient and easy to use, encouraging more boats to pump-out holding tanks at the stations.
Educate about responsible dog ownership
This education program will help to educate the benefit to the overall environment if people pick up after their dogs.
Complete (See 2018 workplan)
Install buoys farther from the swimming area
This initiative will determine a broader boater exclusion zone at Parlee Beach and install sightline buoys.
Delineate wetlands through an independent ground survey
This study will improve our understanding of the spacial extent and function of local wetlands.
Targeted onsite septic system investigation – Response to NATECH report findings
Conduct a targeted investigation of on-site sewage disposal systems in the high-density areas with sub standards lots.
Install rain gauge and near real-time data logger*
A weather station (rain gauge, wind speed and wind direction) for the Parlee Beach area will be installed and automated to make data available in near real-time.
Federal actions
Federal Project under Gas Tax Fund – Pointe-du-Chene Wastewater Project
The purpose of this project is to reduce infiltration in the area and reduce the likelihood of raw sewage overflow resulting from facility failure. If overflow occurred at lift station #7, it would discharge into the Shediac Bay, and as such, could contribute to contamination.
Investigate storm water runoff and management issues to identify potential non-point sources of contamination
This project will inventory all outfall pipes in Shediac Bay and conduct monitoring during and after rainfall events to better understand the impact of storm water runoff to water quality in Shediac Bay.
Investigate agricultural operations
This initiative will help identify potential agricultural (non-point) sources that may be contributing faecal bacteria to Shediac Bay.
Shediac Bay Report
This is a comprehensive report that will be prepared by the Shediac Bay Watershed Association regarding environmental conditions in Shediac Bay.
Cumulative effects assessment and protocols development*
This project will aim to advance answers to the following questions: What are the standard protocols to follow in situations where it is important to predict future cumulative development and possible environment effects? What is the future capacity of the municipal waste water effluent infrastructure? How are local planning bylaws linked into possible cumulative environmental effects within the Shediac Bay Watershed.
Best Practices for beach management*
This project will aim to advance answers to the following questions: What is the best time of year and under what conditions is it appropriate to move sand back onto the beach to regenerate coastal erosion? Are there best management practices available for seaweed removal? This project will mostly consist of literature research and compiling best management practices and available protocols. Part of this project requires knowledge of the possible bacteria load in the sand that is to be moved.
Coastal hydrodynamic modelling*
It will be important to establish the influence of tides and currents, coupled with an understanding of prevailing winds, on water movement in the Shediac Bay area because bacteria can move through the environment away from their initial source. This will help better understand and locate the sources of bacteria in the beach area. A short study was done in 1999 – this project will update and expand on this previous work.
Beach sand bacteria and shallow groundwater flow paths*
This study may lead to indications of possible bacteria sources flowing through shallow groundwater versus bacteria from point source discharges directly into the bay.
Watershed reconnaissance survey and water sampling program*
This is a combined survey of visual observations and water sampling in order to locate point and non-point sources of bacteria in the Shediac Bay Watershed. An initial map compilation and review of possible sources (effluent pipe locations, farms including animals and manure storage, septic systems, etc.) will be conducted. Water sampling will be carried out between May and November 2017. As sample results come in, possible sources can be located and remedial action taken throughout the timeframe of the entire project.
Environmental Trust Fund Projects benefitting Shediac Bay Area
Projects promoting environmental stewardship, education and analysis of water quality in the area.
On-going (Part of developing a provincial approach to Watershed Management)
Clean Water Wastewater Fund (CWWF)
Lift Station upgrades: Upgrading of Lift Station 11 and new generators for Lift Stations 1, 5, 6 and 12.
95% complete (all work to be completed by end of February 2020)
* Project already listed as part of the Scientific Work Plan to Identify Sources of Contamination