Accessing Global Talent

There are many resources available to New Brunswick employers that are looking to tap into the province’s skilled immigrant talent pool to grow their operations. The Government of New Brunswick has access to direct economic immigration tools to bring new, skilled labour to the province.

You may have heard a lot of myths about hiring international:

MYTH #1 – There is no support.
  • Regional WorkingNB offices provide a variety of employment support services and serve as a common point of entry for employers with workforce-related needs.
  • The province’s Immigration Program Officers are available to guide you through the entire process.
  • Employers designated under the Atlantic Immigration Program have access to dedicated support from the federal government’s immigration services.
  • Support is available through Immigrant Serving Agencies and Ethno-cultural Associations.
MYTH #2 – It’s too expensive.
  • There is no cost to access the province’s Immigration Programs for employers.
  • Working with the province’s staff reduces the need for costly private third-party services.
MYTH #3 – They won’t have the right skills.
  • The province’s WorkingNB workforce consultants and Immigration Program Officers are trained to work with employers to understand their labour needs.
  • Immigration NB has access to a variety of talent pools:
    • Connections to international talent already here but unattached to a job offer.
    • Ability to conduct recruitment activities.
    • Connections to international students.
    • Expertise in accessing the talent pool within foreign markets.
MYTH #4 – The process takes too long.
  • The process takes more time, compared to traditional hiring practices.
  • Although it takes more time than hiring locally, you will gain skilled employees with a different perspective and a desire to show their skills.
MYTH #5 – International talent won’t stay.
  • Employers can increase retention of international talent by choosing candidates:
    • Whose interests match the community;
    • Have strong language skills;
    • Have families; or who
    • Have connections in NB already.
  • Employers can take action to foster retention by:
    • Offering full-time, meaningful positions.
    • Being actively part of a welcoming community.
    • Assisting the spouse/partner with finding employment opportunities.

If you need to attract skilled talent, whether for a specific role or for acute or chronic labour shortages, we can help. It’s easier than you think and makes solid business sense.

If you and your prospective employee meet specific criteria, you may be eligible for one of our programs.

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