Assistance which can be issued to cover basic needs based on unit size and program and is defined in Schedule A of the Family Income Security Act.
The Medical Advisory Board considers an individual for certification that has been confirmed to be legally blind (according to the Family Income Security Act) by an opthamologist or optometrist. See Blind, Deaf or Disabled policy for more details.
The Medical Advisory Board considers an individual for certification that has been confirmed to be a person being assessed as having an average hearing threshold sensitivity for air conduction of 90 decibels or worse in the person’s better ear and a bone conduction hearing threshold of 60 decibels or worse in the person’s better ear after audiometry testing, in which hearing loss is calculated by averaging the person’s hearing at the sound frequencies of 500 hertz, 1000 hertz and 2000 hertz, or being assessed as unable to repeat more than 40% of a list of standardized words spoken after word recognition testing as verified by the Medical Advisory Board under subsection 4(5). See Blind, Deaf or Disabled policy for more details.
The Medical Advisory Board considers an individual for certification who suffers from a major physiological, anatomical, or psychological impairment, which severely limits the individual in normal living activities, and which is likely to continue indefinitely without substantial improvement; (i.e. totally and permanently disabled).
Client groups that may have higher needs and may be eligible to receive special benefits. These groups consist of the following: