Government of New Brunswick

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1. Supported Decision-Making and Representation Act
2. Apostille Convention
3. Uniform Benevolent and Community Crowdfunding Act
4. Rule Against Perpetuities
5. Tortfeasors Act and Contributory Negligence Act


1. Intimate Images Unlawful Distribution Act
2. Fiduciaries Access to Digital Assets Act
3. Remote witnessing of wills and enduring powers of attorney
4. Supported Decision-Making and Representation Act
5. Wills and estates legislation

1. Construction Remedies Act
2. Intimate Images Unlawful Distribution Act
3. Uniform Access to Digital Assets by Fiduciaries Act
4. Infirm Persons Act
5. Wills and estates legislation

  1. Construction Remedies Act
  2. Notaries Public Act
  3. Provincial Offences Procedure Act
  4. Limitation of Actions Act
  5. Legislation regarding COVID-19
  6. Uniform Non-Consensual Disclosure of Intimate Images Act
  7. Legal parentage
  8. Infirm Persons Act
  9. Wills and estates legislation
10. Uniform Access to Digital Assets by Fiduciaries Act


1. Construction Remedies Act
2. Remote witnessing of wills and enduring powers of attorney
3. Revocation of Queen’s Counsel appointments
4. Legal parentage
5. Infirm Persons Act
6. Wills and estates legislation
7. Uniform Non-Consensual Disclosure of Intimate Images Act
8. Uniform Benevolent and Community Crowdfunding Act


1. Notice of mortgage sale
2. Official Notices Publication Act
3. Enforcement of Money Judgments Act
4. Debtor Transactions Act
5. Enduring Powers of Attorney Act
6. Construction Remedies Act
7. Part VI of the Family Services Act


1. Enforcement of Money Judgments Act and
    Debtor Transactions Act
2. Official Notices Publication Act
3. Powers of attorney legislation
4. Mechanics’ Lien Act
5. Notice of mortgage sale

1. Powers of attorney legislation
2. Mechanics’ Lien Act

1. Enforcement of Money Judgments Act and
    Debtor Transactions Act
2. Powers of attorney legislation
3. Mechanics’ Lien Act

1. Trustees Act
2. Enforcement of Money Judgments Act
3. Debtor Transactions Act
4. Inquiries Act
5. Powers of attorney and the Advance Health
   Care Directives Act
6. Limitation of actions – debts due to the Crown
7. Farewell to Tim Rattenbury

1. The Revised Statutes, 2011, 2012 and 2014
2. International Interests in Mobile Equipment Act
3. Trustees Act
4. Enforcement of Money Judgments Act
5. Debtor Transactions Act
6. Advance payment of special damages
7. Notaries Public Act.
8. Devolution of Estates Act, Part I
9. Infirm Persons Act – estate
    management provisions
10. Powers of attorney legislation


1. International Interests in Mobile Equipment Act
2. Enforcement of Money Judgments Act
3. A new Trustees Act
4. Debtor Transactions Act
5. Advance Payments of Special Damages
6. Repeal of the Notaries Public Act
7. Judicature Act


1. International Interests in Mobile Equipment Act
2. Enforcement of Money Judgments Act
3. Inquiries Act
4. Uniform Reviewable Transactions Act
5. The Revised Statutes of New Brunswick, 2014


1. Statute of Frauds
2. International Interests in Mobile Equipment Act
3. Quieting of Titles
4. "Cause of action arises"
5. Enforcement of money judgments
6. A new Trustees Act
7. Uniform Reviewable Transactions Act


1. Enforcement of money judgments
2. A new Trustee Act
3. International interests in mobile equipment
4. Inquiries Act
5. Limited liability partnerships


1. "Cause of action arises"
2. Privity of contract and the Law Reform Act
3. Enforcement of money judgments
4. Quieting of Titles Act
5. Advance payment of special damages
6. Civil jury
7. Statute of Frauds
8. A new Trustee Act
9. International interests in mobile equipment


1.  "Cause of action arises"
2.  Privity of contract and the Law Reform Act
3.  The definition of "parent" in the Guardianship
     of Children  Act
4.  Enforcement of money judgments
5.  Quieting of Titles Act
6.  Advance payments of special damages
7.  The Revised Statutes of New Brunswick,
8.  Statute of Frauds


1.  Habeas Corpus Act
2.  "Shall" and "may" in the Interpretation Act
3.  "Cause of action arises"
4.  Privity of contract and the Law Reform Act
5.  The definition of "parent" in the Guardianship
     of Children  Act
6.  Enforcement of money judgments
7.  Advance payments of special damages


1. Limitation of Actions Act – possession of land
2. Habeas Corpus Act
3. Quieting of titles
4. Enforcement of money judgments
5. Limitation of actions – debts due to the Crown
6. The definition of “parent” in the Guardianship
     of Children Act:
7. “Shall” and “may” in the Interpretation Act
8. Privity of contract and the Law Reform Act
9. Wills Act


1. Previous issues now on website
2. Limitation of actions - possession of land
3. The Revised Statutes of New Brunswick, 2011
4. Enforcement of money judgments
5. Abolition of the civil jury
6. "Cause of action arises"


1. Limitation of Actions Act
2. Franchises Act
3. Quieting of Titles Act
4. Intestate succession and the Land Titles Act
5. Limitation of Actions - Possession of Land
6. A New Trustees Act


1. Class Proceedings Act and Rule 14
2. Franchises Act
3. Quieting of Titles
4. Limitations of Actions
5. Divorce Court Act
6. Surety Bonds Act
7. Tort-related statutes


1. Class Proceedings Act
2. Bill 32 - Franchises Act
3. Quieting of Titles
4. Limitation of Actions
5. Infirm Persons Act
6. ICSID Convention
7. Canadian judgments


1. Class Proceedings Act
2. Transfer of Securities Act
3. Limitation of Actions
4. Infirm Persons Act – Various issues
5. Interpretation Act


1. Franchises Act
2. Married Woman's Property Act
3. Class Proceedings Act
4. Uniform Securities Transfer Act
5. Quieting of Titles Act
6. Habeas Corpus Act
7. Limitation of Actions


1. Class proceedings
2. Married Woman's Property Act
3. Intestate succession and the Land Titles Act
4. Uniform Securities Transfer Act
5. Franchises Act
6. Limitation of Actions


1. An Act to Amend the Marital Property Act
2. An Act to Repeal the Marine Insurance Act
3. An Act to Amend the Assignments and
    Preferences Act
4. Quieting of Titles Act
5. Uniform Securities Transfer Act
6. Uniform Enforcement of Money Judgments Act
7. Inquiries Act
8. Intestate succession and the Land Titles Act
9. Married Woman’s Property Act


1. Marital Property Act
2. Assignments for the general benefit of creditors
3. Marine Insurance Act
4. Class Proceedings
5. Quieting of Titles Act
6. Mortgagee's power of sale

1. Bulk Sales Act
2. Class Proceedings
3. Quieting of Titles Act
4. Mortgagee's power of sale
5. Marital Property Act
6. Assignments for the general benefit of
7. Marine Insurance Act


1. Class Proceedings
2. Habeas Corpus Act
3. Mortgagee’s power of sale
4. Quieting of Titles Act

1. An Act to Amend the Quieting of Titles Act (c.11, 2000)
2. Canadian Judgments Act (c. C-0.1, 2000) and
    An Act to Amend the Reciprocal Enforcement
    of Judgments Act (c. 32, 2000)
3. Bulk Sales Act
4. Criminal rate of interest
5. S. 44, Property Act
6. Judgment enforcement legislation


1. An Act to Amend the Quieting of Titles Act (c.11, 2000)
2. Canadian Judgments Act (c. C-0.1, 2000) and
   An Act to Amend the Reciprocal Enforcement
   of Judgments Act (c. 32, 2000)
3. Legislative Reform Initiative
4. Bulk Sales Act
5. Corrupt Practices Inquiries Act and
    Controverted Elections Act
6. Uniform Law Conference of Canada
7. Criminal rate of interest
8. S.44, Property Act


1. Electronic Transactions Act
2. An Act to Amend the Mechanics' Lien Act, c. 84, 1992
3. Canadian Judgments Act and An Act to
    Amend the Reciprocal Enforcement of
    Judgments Act
4. An Act to Amend the Quieting of Titles Act
5. Class Proceedings
6. Legislative Reform Initiative


1. Protection of Personal Information Act
2. Tort of Invasion of Privacy
3. Electronic Transactions Act
4. Quieting of Titles Act
5. Canadian Judgments Act and Reciprocal
    Enforcement of Judgments Act
6. An Act to Amend the Mechanics’ Lien Act,

1. Infirm Persons Act
2. Springing power of attorney
3. Electronic Transactions Legislation
4. Tort of Invasion of Privacy
5. Protection of Personal Information Act
6. An Act to Amend the Wills Act


1. Provision for Dependants Act
2. Trustees Act
3. Interprovincial Subpoena Act
4. Canadian Judgments Act
5. An Act to Amend the Reciprocal Enforcement
    of Judgments Act
6. Infirm Persons Act
7. Quieting of Titles Act
8. Uniform Electronic Commerce Act
9. Springing Power of Attorney
10. Suggestions in response to Law Reform
     Notes #12


1. Attorney for personal care
2. S.39, Infirm Persons Act
3. Canadian Judgments
4. Trustees Act
5. Interprovincial subpoenas
6. Uniform Law Conference of Canada


1. S.43,1 Evidence Act
2. Attorney for Personal Care
3. Canadian Judgments
4. Trustees Act
5. Interprovincial subpoenas
6. Meeting of the Uniform Law Conference


1. Privacy
2. Out-of-Province Judgments
3. S.43.3, Evidence Act
4. Attorney for Personal Care
5. Uniform Law Conference
6. S.39, Infirm Persons Act
7. Legislative Improvements for Vulnerable


1. Privacy
2. International Wills Act
3. Out-of-Province Judgments
4. S.43.3, Evidence Act
5. Attorney for Personal Care
6. Uniform Law Conference


1. Bills enacted
2. Privacy
3. Uniform Law Conference
4. Mortgage remedies


1. Automobile accident compensation
2. Privacy
3. 1996-97 Legislative Session
4. Uniform Law Conference
5. Mortgage remedies


1. Damages for personal injuries
2. Section B - Benefits
3. Extra-provincial judgments
4. Accumulations
5. Perpetuities
6. Administration of Estates


A1. Notice of Mortgage Sales
A2. Administration of Estates
A3. Damages for Personal Injuries
B1. Accumulations
B2. Perpetuities
B3. Uniform Law Conference
B4. Various Personal Injuries Issues
B5. Extra-Provincial Judgments


A1. Fatal Accidents Act
A2. Intestacy
A3. Access to neighbouring lands
A4. Deregulation
B1. Inter-spousal Tort Immunity
B2. Damages for Personal Injuries


Mechanics' Lien Act
Property Act s. 45(1): notice of mortgage sale
The Civil Jury
Bulk Sales Act
Wills Act
Administration of Estates
Provision for Dependants Act
Marital Property Act
Fatal Accidents Act
Enforcement of Money Judgments
Advancements/Partial intestacy


Mechanics' Lien Act
Law Reform Act
Property Act, s.45(1): notice of mortgage sale
Memorials and Executions Act, s.6: renewals of
memorials of judgment
Court-directed Wills for Infirm Persons
B1. The Civil Jury
B2. The Bulk Sales Act
B3. Wills Act
B4. Intestacy
B5. Administration of Estates
B6. Provision for Dependants Act
B7. Marital Property Act
B8. Fatal Accidents Act
B9. Enforcement of Money Judgments


1. Succession Law Amendment Act;
    Survivorship Act
2. An Act to Amend the Survival of Actions Act;
   An Act to Amend the Fatal Accidents Act
3. Mechanics' Lien Act
4. Law Reform Act
5. Property Act, Subsection 45(1): Notice of
    mortgage sales
6. Memorials and Executions Act Section 6:
    Renewal of memorials of judgment
7. Wills for Infirm Persons


Other Law Reform Documents
