Government of New Brunswick

The Government of New Brunswick provides drug coverage to eligible residents of New Brunswick through the New Brunswick Prescription Drug Program, the New Brunswick Drug Plan and other government-sponsored programs (collectively known as the New Brunswick Drug Plans).

The New Brunswick Drug Plans Formulary is a list of the drugs which are eligible benefits under the New Brunswick Drug Plans. The Formulary is updated monthly and all drugs considered for listing as benefits must be reviewed according to the Drug Review Process.

Most drugs listed in the Formulary are “regular” benefits which are reimbursed with no criteria or prior approval requirements. Some drugs are special authorization benefits and have specific criteria that must be met before they are approved for reimbursement (see Formulary Appendix III). Certain drug products are not eligible benefits and are identified on the exclusion list in the Formulary.

New Brunswick Drug Plans Formulary (PDF)

To perform a basic search for specific text in the New Brunswick Drug Plans Formulary (PDF):

  • Press CTRL-F (Windows) or Command (⌘)-F (Mac). A search box will be displayed in the upper right of the screen. Type the word(s) into the search box. Press ‘Enter’ and/or use the arrows in the search box to move through the results.
  • Android device: Open the document in a PDF reader and type the word(s) into the search box. Use the arrows to move through the results.
  • iOS device: After the document has opened in the browser, select the bottom center box with the arrow facing up.  Select ‘find on page’ option and type the word(s) into the search box. Use the arrows to move through the results.

New Brunswick Drug Plans Formulary data file: XLS

Reimbursement of brand name products when generics exist

When generic products are available for a brand name drug, the New Brunswick Drug Plans will only reimburse pharmacies for the lowest cost generic product. Beneficiaries, who choose to receive a brand name product when a generic product exists, are responsible for paying any difference in price.

The New Brunswick Drug Plans will consider requests for reimbursement of brand name drugs when a beneficiary has had a hypersensitivity reaction (e.g. edema, respiratory distress, serum sickness, anaphylaxis) to a non-medicinal ingredient contained in the generic product. Requests may be made by submitting a completed Special Authorization Request Form and providing details of the hypersensitivity reaction.

Information on the safety and effectiveness of generic drugs is available on Health Canada’s website.


Special Authorization

Certain drugs are eligible for coverage under the New Brunswick Drug Plans through special authorization.

Drugs listed as special authorization benefits have specific criteria that must be met prior to being approved for coverage. The criteria are developed by the expert advisory committees based on the evidence considered in the Drug Review Process.

To request coverage through special authorization, the requestor must provide all of the required information in the general request form or the specific request form for the following drugs and conditions:    

Request forms

All drugs approved through special authorization may be subject to a renewal process. Additional information may be required to ensure that the drug is having the expected effect and is still needed.  

Special authorization requests should be sent by mail or FAX to:

Special Authorization Unit
New Brunswick Drug Plans
P.O. Box 690
Moncton, NB E1C 8M7
Local Fax: 506-867-4872
Toll Free Fax: 1-888-455-8322
Inquiry Line: 1-800-332-3691

Drugs ineligible for consideration through special authorization

  • Drugs determined to be non-benefits further to an expert advisory committee’s review and recommendation that they not be reimbursed.
  • Drugs not yet reviewed or still under review 
  • The drug is being provided, or paid for, by another source 
  • Drugs not authorized for sale and use in Canada (e.g. drugs obtained through Health Canada’s Special Access Program, experimental or investigational drugs) 
  • Products excluded as benefits as identified on the exclusion list in the Formulary  

Requests for drugs not listed in the Formulary

Under exceptional circumstances, requests for drugs not listed in the Formulary or for an indication not included in the special authorization criteria, may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  This does not include drugs that are ineligible for consideration through special authorization.

Requests must be in writing and include the following information:

  • Dose and administration frequency of the requested drug
  • Diagnosis or description of the patient’s medical condition
  • Relevant previous therapies tried along with duration, dose and results and rationale for why an alternative drug listed on the plan Formulary cannot be used
  • Substantial scientific evidence for the requested use supporting the clinical effectiveness of the drug
  • Risk assessment of serious harm to the member’s life, health or recovery without the drug
  • Relevant clinical measures and laboratory results supporting the request
  • Clinical outcome measures to determine when the drug should be stopped or continued

Designated High Cost Drugs

To reduce the potential for wastage, claims for designated high cost drugs that require special authorization (SA) are subject to a maximum days supply (e.g. 30 days) when administered at standard doses. The SA drugs which this applies to are identified in the Maximum Allowable Price (MAP) List and Manufacturers List Price (MLP) List at Drug Price Lists and Pricing Policy.