Tourism Heritage and Culture






Support is provided to community recreation efforts that improve inclusion and access to recreation for populations that face constraints to participation. This fund's key priority focuses on improvements to existing infrastructure for the purpose of increasing inclusion and access in recreation and sport activity.


Regional Service Commission (RSC) Recreation Planning and Leadership Assistance (Regional)

This funding is designed for Regional Service Commissions pursuing regional recreation planning aimed at: strategic recreation development and investment; addressing demonstrated issues of significance within a region; engaging stakeholders and residents; and to support full-time paid leadership tasked with the responsibility of implementing regional or sub-regional recreation plans.


Active Communities Grant Program (Regional)

This program is designed to help communities, regional organizations, non-profit organizations, groups and individuals provide more opportunities for New Brunswickers to engage in physical activity by creating new activities or programs and also enhancing those already in existence.


This program supports the operation of non-profit provincial sport organizations and multi sport and recreation organizations through financial support for operations and core programming. This program supports activities that intends to promote the importance of sport and recreation for all ages by enhancing organization development, leadership development, sport development, games hosting, physical activity, and inclusion.


Long Term Athlete Development (NB contribution to GoNB Bilateral) (Regional and Provincial)

Funding is available to support projects and initiatives to develop physical literacy and/or increase participation in sport with an particular on underrepresented groups.


This program supports the operation of non-profit community sport and recreation and multi sport and recreation organizations through financial support for operations and core programming.


Core Program

This program supports the operation of non-profit community cultural centres, production-based art organization and arts service organizations through financial support for operations and core programming.


NB-Quebec Program

This program is part of the New Brunswick/Québec Cooperation Agreement and provides grants to offset a portion of travel costs related to the participation of artists from Quebec and New Brunswick in major cultural events within each province.


The Fine Craft Industry Development Program promotes the development and growth of the New Brunswick’s fine craft industry by supporting skills development, networking, brand development and market preparedness for professional artists and industry professionals.


The Strategic Initiatives Fund – Strategic Growth & Development Component assists with initiatives that enhance growth, professionalism, and sustainable contributions to the cultural sector.


The Strategic Initiatives Fund – Export Component aims to assist arts organizations, cultural businesses or entrepreneurs to enhance their exposure outside New Brunswick, undertake artistic exploration with international partners, and nurture new and existing art markets.


The Strategic Initiatives Fund – Digital Component aims to assist arts organizations, cultural businesses or entrepreneurs to undertake projects that help promote their offerings using digital approaches.


Strategic Initiatives Fund - Wellness Component

The Strategic Initiatives Fund – Arts Wellness Component provides eligible New Brunswick arts organizations and groups with funding for partnership projects that positively impacts wellness through arts.


Short Film Venture

The Short Film Venture Program (SFVP) assists emerging New Brunswick filmmakers to produce a film. The program is an initiative of the department in cooperation with the New Brunswick Filmmakers, Co-operative.


This program provides financial support to non-profit arts organizations for eligible touring or presenting activities.


The Arts in Communities (AIC) Program supports projects and initiatives that strengthen New Brunswick communities artistically, culturally and economically through vibrant arts and cultural activities.
