Government of New Brunswick

Persons may be eligible for assistance in the Blind, Deaf or Disabled categories if they are 18 years of age or older and have been certified by the Medical Advisory Board.

Applicants/clients may apply for assistance to the Medical Advisory Board

  • as early as their 18th birthday
  • if it is believed that, once certified, they will be financially eligible for social assistance based on all other criteria.

Applicants should be advised of these criteria to avoid unnecessary applications.

An application for Blind, Deaf or Disabled Category which is rejected by the Medical Advisory Board for an applicant/client cannot be appealed through the Department of Social Development.  The case manager may request the decision be reviewed by contacting the Secretary of the Board if the case manager believes the definition of Blind, Deaf or Disabled as stated in Regulations under the Family Income Security Act were met. If still rejected, the applicant/client must wait six (6) months before reapplying, unless their medical condition undergoes significant change.

  • A liquid asset maximum of $10,000 for units with a Blind, Deaf or Disabled person. Subsequently, this means if there is more than one person in the unit the maximum liquid asset exemption will remain at $10,000. 
  • The capital and the accumulated interest of up to $200,000.00 may be established in a registered trust fund for individuals certified as Blind, Deaf or Disabled. This amount is excluded as an available resource in determining eligibility for assistance. The income generated from a trust fund, (including interest earned from the investment, which places the value of the Trust Fund over $200,000.00), should be considered as an available resource. Note: Interest earned which is not withdrawn from the Trust Fund and does not increase the value above the $200,000.00 level, is not to be considered as an available resource.

Income generated from Trust Funds up to $800 a month is exempt. Special amounts over this monthly limit may be allowed when it supports a beneficiary remaining in the community or to purchase health related support items. The client or trustee is responsible to submit statements every year, detailing the income generated from the trust fund. A brought forward must be created to remind the case manager of the required trust fund review.

  • Funds invested in a RDSP for units with a Blind, Deaf or Disabled person.

Income generated from a Registered Disability Saving Plan (RDSP) up to $800 a month is exempt. Special amounts over this monthly limit may be allowed when it supports a beneficiary remaining in the community or to purchase health related support items.

These clients may only have a total of $800 per month from the Trust Funds and/or RDSP’s exempt.

  • Funds invested in RRSPs up to $50,000 for units with a Blind, Deaf or Disabled person


Awaiting Employment Insurance (EI)

For former Blind, Deaf or Disabled clients who are awaiting EI, see the Awaiting EI policy.


Certification Process
Cost of Medical

Clients may have the cost of having the Disability Category - Medical Report, Examination Report - Deaf Category or Examination Report - Blind Category completed, paid as a special benefit to a maximum of $50.

SD will not pay for the cost of a Medical Report for the Long-Term Needs Designation.



Inquiries from applicants/clients are the responsibility of the district office and should not be referred to the Medical Advisory Board.


Medical Advisory Board

The Board is composed of physicians and a Departmental representative (the Secretary of the Board), who is appointed by the Minister of SD. The Board operates as an independent body to the Department. The Board reviews Disability certification and Long - Term Needs designation applications and verifies whether or not the appropriate criteria are met, based on the information provided. It is not usually necessary for the Board to review Blind applications, as certification is based on the Examination Report - Blind Category. The timing and/or frequency of the Board's meetings are generally based on the volume of applications received.



Applicants aged 19 or more who have been determined to be eligible for assistance, may be issued assistance at either the Interim or Transitional Assistance rate (based on the medical information) while awaiting a decision from the Medical Advisory Board.


Retroactive Payments

Those determined to be eligible for social assistance who are approved as either Blind, Deaf or Disabled by the Medical Advisory Board may be entitled to retroactive payments.

For applicants the Effective Date of the Retroactive Payment is the Case Start Date

For clients the Effective Date of the Retroactive Payment is the first of the month in which:

  • the client makes their intentions to apply for certification known or,
  • the client's 18th Birthday,

whichever is later.


Secretary of the Medical Advisory Board

The Secretary is the Departmental representative on the Board, and is responsible for the following activities:

  • to present the application and relevant documentation to the Board
  • to advise the case manager of the Board's decision
  • to forward client application files from the Board meeting to the case manager
  • to request additional information from the case manager as required by the Board



A Blind, Deaf or Disabled client may be considered as a separate case from all other individuals except a legal or common-law spouse or child. As an applicant for Health Card Only Benefits the same exemption would also apply.

If the legal or common-law spouse or child is also certified Blind, Deaf or Disabled then they may be considered as separate cases.


Permanent Status

Certification by the Medical Advisory Board for "Blind, Deaf or Disabled" clients is permanent.