Government of New Brunswick

Listed below are definitions for some of the more challenging terms used in the Action for the Environment Kit. Boost your environmental-vocabulary by reading on!

Ready, Set, Recycle!

Ready, Set, Recycle!

  • Landfill - An area where garbage is managed by burying it under layers in the ground.
  • Recycle - To turn waste materials into items that can be used again.
  • Redemption centre - The place where you return your beverage containers to be sorted for recycling. Upon return, a portion of the original bottle deposit($) is refunded.
School Ground Greening

School Ground Greening

  • Greening - Taking steps to strengthen the environment.  For example, greening your yard by planting trees.
  • Green space - A grassy area or a space containing plant life.
  • Idling of vehicles - When a parked vehicle is left running and exhaust is being released into the air.
Be Energy Efficient

Be Energy Efficient

  • Climate change - Human activities are altering the atmosphere through the build-up of greenhouse gases. This is resulting in changes to our climate, including a rise in global temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events.
  • Energy - The ability to do work.  When we refer to the environment we usually mean light, heat, electricity and the chemical energy found in fossil fuels.
  • Idling of vehicles - A measure of the amount of energy used.
  • Fossil fuels - Ancient fuels that, when burned, produce energy
  • Natural resources - Materials that occur in nature such as wood and coal.
  • Pollution - Occurs when poisons are released into the air, land and/or water making it unclean and causing harm to the environment.
  • Renewable energy - Power, like wind and water, that can be used over and over again..
Be Host to Compost!

Be Host to Compost!

  • Compost - Rich, earthy smelling, soil-like substance made from disposed waste like food items and plant life.
  • Compost bin - A bin or closed-in structure that holds compost materials.
  • Compost materials - Compost materials are items such as leaves and apple cores (browns and greens) that are suitable for the compost bin.
  • Decompose - To decompose means to breakdown or decay, like an apple would in a compost bin. Tiny organisms work within a compost bin to naturally decompose materials.
Take Action on Climate Change!

Take Action on Climate Change!

  • Greenhouse gases - Gases, such as carbon dioxide, that trap the heat fromthe sun in the Earth's atmosphere causing the Earth to get warmer.