March Break Pathways 2 Professions:
Experience GNB Bootcamp


A success!

This year, Future GNB, in partnership with NB-IRDT, held a one-week policy bootcamp for high school students. The pilot program brought together virtually students from the Fredericton area to form 4 research teams. They were able to come up with real-world solutions for relevant issues facing New Brunswick students by collaborating with professional researchers, civil servants, and undergraduate mentors.​​​​​​​

The week was designed as a problem-solving sprint and included the introduction of various innovation and design thinking problem solving methods. The intention held at the heart of the program was that it be designed by and for students. Students participated in this human-centered approach throughout the week by building solutions to problems with and for one another. At the beginning of the week Students were introduced to their guiding question which acted as their launch pad while also defining their scope of Wellness: “How Might We integrate meaningful wellness solutions into our school systems post covid-19”. The four teams had to create an action plan, a prototype, and did a final presentation based around that calling question in front of members of government and the community. 

Each team’s problem-solving journey resulted in them forging their own path and exploring different type of topics;  





Pink Team : Cultural Awareness

Sally Smith, Yamile Asbun, Matéa Duvall & Ryan Allain (mentor)




Yellow Team : Connecting Club

Claire Han, Miguel Langassner Schmitt, Dax Manuel, Mai Ahmed & Jessica Mann (mentor)




Green Team: Roots and Branches

Gwenyth Guthrie, Kate Kashcheieva, Alexandra Pope, Rohan Katreddy & Lee Whelan (mentor)




Blue Team : Save the Students

Isabelle Shepard, Zachary Canning, Hiba Ali, Stephanie Lluebbey & Sam Armstrong (mentor)


