Respiratory Watch

New Brunswick's respiratory surveillance system monitors the spread of respiratory illnesses like COVID-19, influenza and other flu-like illnesses


Respiratory Watch is New Brunswick’s system that helps monitor respiratory illnesses, their severity, and how they change when different viruses are spreading.

The weekly report provides a high level summary of the current COVID-19 and influenza activity in New Brunswick. The percent positivity can be used to estimate the amount of viruses circulating in the province while the number of outbreaks, hospitalizations and deaths provide an indication of the level of severe disease.

The data is used to develop health advice for the public. This valuable information assists in providing recommendations for strategies and guidelines based on evidence for Public Health and other Health Care Professionals.

Report summary

Reporting period: June 16 to June 22, 2024 (Week 25)


↓ = decrease

↑ = increase

• = stable


Number of cases

• 23

Percent positivity

• 4%

Hospital admissions

↑ 11

ICU admissions

↑ 2


↓ 1


• 2


Number of

↑ 8


• 1

Current ILI school outbreaks

• 0

Current lab-confirmed outbreaks

• 0

Percent positivity

↑ 2%

ICU admissions

• 0


• 0

There have been 169,190 COVID-19 vaccines administered since 2023-10-04.

There have been 228,006 persons vaccinated for Influenza since 2023-10-04.

Report archives

Respiratory Watch archived reports

Respiratory Watch reports starting in September 2023

COVID-19 archived surveillance reports

COVID Watch archive from March 2022 to August 2023

Influenza archived surveillance reports

Influenza surveillance report archive from 2016-17 to 2022-23

More information

Government of Canada FluWatch

FluWatch is Canada's national surveillance system that monitors the spread of influenza and influenza-like illnesses.

Government of Canada COVID-19 Epidemiology

Summary of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths, cases following vaccination, testing and variants of concern across Canada and over time.

Immunization and vaccines

Up-to-date information on the number of COVID-19 and Influenza doses administered this respiratory season.

Living with COVID-19

Stay informed and learn how we can work together to keep New Brunswickers safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

New Brunswick Sentinel Practitioner Respiratory Network

A sentinel based infectious disease surveillance network for respiratory illness in New Brunswick. This network detects and measures influenza and COVID-19 activity. The resulting data helps Public Health New Brunswick monitor respiratory illnesses occurring in the community.

National Wastewater Surveillance

Wastewater surveillance for COVID-19 is a low-cost option to obtain non-invasive biological samples from the population to monitor for COVID-19. For weekly wastewater surveillance data from participating communities in New Brunswick, click here.