Landlord rights

Learn about your rights when operating a residential rental property

Your rights as a landlord

Knowing your rights as a landlord in New Brunswick will help ensure that you have a positive renting experience. In New Brunswick, the Residential Tenancies Act outlines your rights as a landlord. Landlords have a right to tenants who:

  • Pay rent on time
  • Follow the rules and terms of their lease
  • Respect the dignity and rights of other tenants and building staff
  • Conduct themselves as to not cause a nuisance or disturbance
  • Repair any damage they or their guests may cause
  • Maintain reasonable cleanliness of their rental unit and any items provided
  • Respect the health and safety regulations of the building and do not cause any health and safety risks to other tenants or the environment
  • Communicate needs for specific accommodations and cooperate in the accommodation process
  • Provide proper notice from when they are ending a lease

Want to learn more about landlord rights?

Have questions? Call 1-888-762-8600 or email [email protected].

The Residential Tenancies Act

The Residential Tenancies Act is the Act outlines the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants and other matters relating to residential rental agreements. To view the Act:

 The Residential Tenancies Act