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Quickly find forms to help you with your request, complaint, referral, or appeal, all in one place.


Quickly find forms to help you make a request for information, file a complaint, refer a matter to the Court of King’s Bench, make an appeal, and correct your personal information.

Request for information

Request information from a public body under the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA) by completing and sending them a Request for Information Form.

Request for Information Form (PDF)

Correct your personal information

Ask a public body to correct your personal information by completing a Request to Correct Personal Information Form.

Request to Correct Personal Information Form (PDF)

Make a complaint

Complain to the Ombud (applicant)

Make a complaint to the Ombud if you submitted a right to information request and you’re not satisfied with the public body’s response.

Form 2 – Complaint Form – applicant (PDF)

Complain to the Ombud (third party)

Make a complaint to the Ombud if you are a third party and a public body notifies you of its intention to disclose information about you in its response to an access request.

Form 5 – Complaint Form – third party (PDF)

Make a referral to the Court of King’s Bench

Referral to the Court of King’s Bench (applicant)  

Refer a matter to the Court of King’s Bench if you submitted a right to information request and you’re not satisfied with the public body’s response or decision.

Form 1 – Referral – applicant (PDF)

Referral to the Court of King’s Bench (third party)

Refer a matter to the Court of King’s Bench if you are a third party and a public body notifies you of its intention to disclose information about you in its response to an access request.

Form 4 – Referral - third party (PDF)


Appeal (applicant)

Make an appeal to the Court of King’s Bench if a public body does not accept the Ombud’s recommendations following a complaint investigation.

Form 3 – Appeal -applicant (PDF)

Appeal (third party)

Make an appeal to the Court of King’s Bench if you’re a third party and a public body does not accept the Ombud’s recommendations.

Form 6 – Appeal - third party (PDF)