Frequently Asked Questions

Get help and find answers to your questions regarding grant funding for non-profits.

What is the new policy about?

The new policy is meant to address the current gap in central direction and oversight related to grant funding for non-profit organizations (NPOs). This gap has resulted in inconsistent practices across departments and challenges in determining how provincial funds are being used and the impacts of that funding.

What is the value added from implementing this new policy?

This policy will result in improved transparency through a central webpage listing all relevant grant funding in one location and improved accountability through a more consistent focus on funding outcomes. This policy is also expected to have positive impacts for organizations that currently receive grant funding, departments that are required to track and report on outcomes, and for the government and the public they serve, by effectively addressing questions related to value-for-money on NPO grant funding.

What is the scope of the new policy?

The new policy is limited to discretionary and/or application-based grants for NPOs.

Note: this policy excludes any existing and ongoing service agreements with NPOs and/or regular fund transfers for operational funding. The goal is to focus on more ad-hoc funding while GNB departments and NPOs increase their comfort in developing and tracking funding outcomes.

Which government departments are affected by the change?

This policy is in place government-wide, however the level of change in practices will vary by department. For departments who have already been focused on outcomes and posted funding information online, there will be fewer impacts from this policy.

Similarly, the level of change NPOs experience from this policy will also depend on which grant funding programs they have accessed in the past and the level of change to those programs. NPOs are invited to reach out to each department to learn more about what changes they should expect related to individual programs.

What changes can NPOs expect from this policy?

Application forms will now all include a request for the following:

  • Information on whether the NPO has secured funding from any other GNB departments in the current or previous fiscal year, or have any outstanding requests to departments, and a point of contact at the department.

  • Whether obtaining a grant would allow the NPO to apply for additional funding from other sources for a greater combined impact

  • Applications and subsequent reporting (for successful applicants) will be focused on outcomes (i.e., what was the impact of the grant).

    Why did government develop this policy?

    After establishing a government-wide policy on financial assistance to for-profit agencies (2021), a decision was made to explore developing a similar policy focused on funding in the NPO sector. The NPO policy is less prescriptive in nature and limited in scope to grant funding.

    When was the new policy implemented?

    July 1, 2023

    Are we the only provincial government with such a policy?

    During the assessment process, the jurisdictional scan revealed no jurisdictions with a corporate-level grant funding policy aimed at improving transparency, consistency and accountability. However, many jurisdictions were moving towards an increased focus on funding outcomes and improving their data tracking and reporting practices.

    Who can I contact if I have questions about the policy?

    Individual departments will respond directly to any correspondence received about specific granting or funding programs.