Strengthening education together

Supporting improvement in the Anglophone Sector


In April 2023, an executive steering committee made up of educators, students, district education councils, and First Nations was formed to examine English Prime and French language learning. The committee is co-chaired by the executive director of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association and the assistant deputy minister of the anglophone schools. They created two groups: one to enhance the English Prime program and another to improve French language learning.

Between May and September 2023, these groups engaged with education partners through virtual and in-person sessions and submitted recommendations to the committee. Feedback was also received from more than 3,000 New Brunswickers through an online survey.

Since July 2023, the government has been putting into place eight actions in response to the committee’s report on near-term recommendations. In November, the government also accepted the committee’s 11 long-term recommendations aimed at creating better environments for students to succeed and learn, involving communities, and making sure that each classroom has the right experts.

In 2025, the main goal is to help teachers and their students actively participate in making improvements for the future. To support this, $4.1 million has been set aside for long-term recommendations, which includes money for pilot projects. A total of 72 schools from all four districts have been chosen to take part in these projects. More information about these projects can be found here.

Update on Long-Term Recommendations

Create environments where learners thrive

RECOMMENDATION: Move to address the emerging critical concern of chronic absenteeism and reinforce a culture of learning by working with school districts and stakeholders to draft a provincial action plan on school attendance.

  • A standard protocol for handling chronic absenteeism has been created and will be piloted in eight schools beginning in January (K-8 schools) and February (high schools)

RECOMMENDATION: Develop a new classroom composition model and a reasonable timeline to implement an improved inclusive and equitable system.

  • A policy & structure review was completed to highlight barriers within the system and ensure the needs of the child are addressed.
  • Nine schools have been established as research sites to explore innovative approaches to classroom composition challenges.

RECOMMENDATION: Leverage technology to enhance learning and personalization

  • Recommendations for the use of generative AI in schools have been published. Thanks to a number of technology initiatives, students enrolled in four online high school courses now have access to easy-to-understand summaries of content, created with AI, to enhance accessibility.
  • A Technology Plan was created in December 2024 to integrate technology for personalized solutions, and to promote digitally literate learners and educators.
  • Beginning in January, 19 schools are now piloting an extracurricular e-sports league to help develop students’ skills and confidence.

A focus on learning

RECOMMENDATION: Place a focus on middle school learners aged 11-14, by working to identify actions and programs to improve academic engagement, achievement, and well-being..

  • A middle school philosophy has been developed in collaboration with middle school educators and leaders, which is being piloted in selected schools beginning in January.

RECOMMENDATION: Establish a clear plan (benchmarks/goals) for strengthening French language learning in New Brunswick’s anglophone K-12 system, including expanding course options and opportunities for high school students, and exploring options for students to enter French immersion with greater flexibility based on readiness

  • Testing of oral competency evaluation tool (for program entry) and oral proficiency assessment tool (for classroom teacher use).
  • Work is underway to modernize Policy 309.

RECOMMENDATION: Encourage movement and getting outside, including embedding 30 minutes of physical education for K-8 daily in addition to outdoor education opportunities

  • A survey revealed that 76.5 per cent of K-8 anglophone schools are not meeting 30 minutes of daily physical education time for their students. A communication plan will be implemented in 2025 for teachers, school staff, and administrators to raise awareness about the importance of quality physical education and outdoor learning.

RECOMMENDATION: Have the Centre of Excellence for Language Learning develop a communication and support plan to help families and communities assist children in their success in French immersion.

  • The Centre of Excellence for Language Learning resources are available to students, educators, and the public. Planning for a promotional campaign is now underway, targeting educators, families, and partners.

Ensuring the Right Expertise in our Classrooms

RECOMMENDATION: Improve retention and recruitment of qualified teachers and specialized health service professionals in education.

  • Partnered with Apply to Education, a recruitment tool, to make it easier for job seekers to access education job fairs, both online and in person. Anyone looking to work in the education field in New Brunswick can learn more here.
  •  Established a dedicated recruitment team focused on attracting teachers and health professionals.
  • Participated (along with childcare centres) in the Journées Mobilité Canada event organized by the Canadian Embassy in France from June 15 to 20, 2024, in Belgium, France and Tunisia. Twenty-four teachers who trained abroad have been connected with the NB Teacher Certification Office to begin obtaining their Interim Teaching Certificates.
  • A marketing campaign ran from Aug. 7 to Sept. 2 to encourage the province's education graduates to return to the classroom. This campaign generated over 650,000 impressions on social media.
  • GNB’s recruitment team took part in international recruitment missions and attended a national recruitment event in Toronto.
  • A Retention & Recruitment Strategic Plan will be released 2025.
  • A full-time position has been funded at the NBTA to improve teacher retention strategies.
  • A working group has met to look at how more flexibility can be provided in the school calendar to allow for more planning time.
  • A draft flexible school calendar proposal document has been submitted for consideration. Potential pilot schools will be identified in the coming months.
  • Data continues to be shared on the number of floating supply teachers hired in targeted schools to help fill classroom vacancies. 

RECOMMENDATION: Support educational assistants in receiving dedicated training, professional learning, and opportunities to further collaborate with teachers.

  • A Roles & Responsibilities document for Educational Assistants has been created.

RECOMMENDATION: Ensure teachers who work with early readers have specific training designed to maximize the development and outcomes of these students.

  • Work on this recommendation will begin in April 2025.

RECOMMENDATION: Develop and implement equitable access to professional learning for educators in resources, strategies, and interventions to best support each learner in English Prime and French language classrooms.

  • An outline for a beginning teacher mentorship process has been submitted for review

Create a Scope and Implementation Plan, and Accountability Framework

RECOMMENDATION: Create, with partners where appropriate, a detailed scope and implementation plan as well as an accountability framework for each of the recommendations included in this document no later than March 31, 2024.

  • The implementation plan and accountability framework can be found here.

Update on Near-Term Recommendations

A number of near-term recommendations were also brought forward and significant progress has been made. A few highlights are below:

  • Data continues to be shared, with hiring for floating supply teachers in targeted schools to address the challenges of filling classroom vacancies.
  • 137 Academic Support Teachers and 166 Behaviour Intervention Mentors are supporting students across the anglophone sector.
  • The Centre of Excellence for Language Learning resources are now available to students, educators, and the public. Planning for a promotional campaign is underway.
  • The NB Lead initiative has expanded to include a release day for all vice- principals, a dedicated vice-principal conference held on Oct. 24, and an additional 22 participants in the new Aspiring Leaders Program. Release days for principals, the collective leadership network, and dedicated leadership professional learning opportunities continue.

News Releases and Reports

Education green paper

Succeeding at Home: A green paper on education in New Brunswick

Report on second-language learning

2021 Review of the Official Languages Act of New Brunswick

Services linguistiques

A collaborative project involving the anglophone sector of EECD and the four anglophone school districts in New Brunswick.

Everyone at their best

10-year education plan (anglophone sector)