Supporting improvement in the Anglophone Sector
In April 2023, an executive steering committee made up of educators, students, district education councils, and First Nations was formed to examine English Prime and French language learning. The committee is co-chaired by the executive director of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association and the assistant deputy minister of the anglophone schools. They created two groups: one to enhance the English Prime program and another to improve French language learning.
Between May and September 2023, these groups engaged with education partners through virtual and in-person sessions and submitted recommendations to the committee. Feedback was also received from more than 3,000 New Brunswickers through an online survey.
Since July 2023, the government has been putting into place eight actions in response to the committee’s report on near-term recommendations. In November, the government also accepted the committee’s 11 long-term recommendations aimed at creating better environments for students to succeed and learn, involving communities, and making sure that each classroom has the right experts.
In 2025, the main goal is to help teachers and their students actively participate in making improvements for the future. To support this, $4.1 million has been set aside for long-term recommendations, which includes money for pilot projects. A total of 72 schools from all four districts have been chosen to take part in these projects. More information about these projects can be found here.
To teachers and school communities: We know that you are already trying out great ideas and doing research in these areas. We want to hear about your successes and help you with this work. If you have something your team is proud of or want to explore a new idea, please let us know!
To everyone: We would love to hear your thoughts on the recommendations, especially about new pilot projects for this school year.
We are also seeking your feedback and ideas on how we can strengthen learning opportunities to meet the needs of all learners.
Please share your feedback at
[email protected]
RECOMMENDATION: Develop a new classroom composition model and a reasonable timeline to implement an improved inclusive and equitable system. RECOMMENDATION: Leverage technology to enhance learning and personalizationCreate environments where learners thrive
RECOMMENDATION: Move to address the emerging critical concern of chronic absenteeism and reinforce a culture of learning by working with school districts and stakeholders to draft a provincial action plan on school attendance.
RECOMMENDATION: Establish a clear plan (benchmarks/goals) for strengthening French language learning in New Brunswick’s anglophone K-12 system, including expanding course options and opportunities for high school students, and exploring options for students to enter French immersion with greater flexibility based on readiness RECOMMENDATION: Encourage movement and getting outside, including embedding 30 minutes of physical education for K-8 daily in addition to outdoor education opportunities RECOMMENDATION: Have the Centre of Excellence for Language Learning develop a communication and support plan to help families and communities assist children in their success in French immersion.A focus on learning
RECOMMENDATION: Place a focus on middle school learners aged 11-14, by working to identify actions and programs to improve academic engagement, achievement, and well-being..
RECOMMENDATION: Support educational assistants in receiving dedicated training, professional learning, and opportunities to further collaborate with teachers. RECOMMENDATION: Ensure teachers who work with early readers have specific training designed to maximize the development and outcomes of these students. RECOMMENDATION: Develop and implement equitable access to professional learning for educators in resources, strategies, and interventions to best support each learner in English Prime and French language classrooms.Ensuring the Right Expertise in our Classrooms
RECOMMENDATION: Improve retention and recruitment of qualified teachers and specialized health service professionals in education.
Create a Scope and Implementation Plan, and Accountability Framework
RECOMMENDATION: Create, with partners where appropriate, a detailed scope and implementation plan as well as an accountability framework for each of the recommendations included in this document no later than March 31, 2024.
A number of near-term recommendations were also brought forward and significant progress has been made. A few highlights are below:
Building a Better Education System
Long-term recommendations for New Brunswick’s anglophone education system
Evolving French Language Learning: Overcoming Obstacles and Building Bridges
Succeeding at Home: A green paper on education in New Brunswick
2021 Review of the Official Languages Act of New Brunswick
A collaborative project involving the anglophone sector of EECD and the four anglophone school districts in New Brunswick.
10-year education plan (anglophone sector)