Engagement for Supporting Improvement in the Anglophone Sector

English Prime Classrooms and French Language Learning – Near-Term and Long-Term Recommendations


In April 2023, an Executive Steering Committee (ESC) was established as part of the next steps following the release of the What We Heard report, which summarized feedback from education stakeholders on the Evolving French Language Learning: Overcoming Obstacles and Building Bridges (EFLL) initiative and the proposed framework for New Brunswick’s Innovative Immersion Program (NBIIP) that was shared in December 2022.

The ESC, comprised of individuals representing educators, students, the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association (NBTA) and other education stakeholders, was divided into two working groups – one tasked with improving French language learning, and the other with examining improvement to the English Prime program.

From May to September 2023, these working groups engaged with education partners through virtual and in-person sessions and submitted recommendations to the committee. Feedback was also received from more than 3,000 New Brunswickers through an online survey.

Since July 2023, the government has been implementing eight actions in response to the committee’s report on near term recommendations, and EECD provided an update on their implementation in January 2024. In November 2023, government accepted the committees’ long-term recommendations to create environments where students thrive and focus on learning; to engage communities; and to ensure the right expertise is in each classroom.

In collaboration with school districts, parent school support committees, educational partners, and the NBTA, EECD staff have assessed the scope of work and resources required to develop a plan and timeline for implementing each recommendation. Project teams associated with each recommendation will soon begin their work, which involves consulting with key stakeholders and rightsholders.

EECD has also established a panel of educational leaders who will offer their guidance, research and insights during the project’s development and implementation. 

News Releases and Reports

Education green paper

Succeeding at Home: A green paper on education in New Brunswick

Report on second-language learning

2021 Review of the Official Languages Act of New Brunswick

Services linguistiques

A collaborative project involving the anglophone sector of EECD and the four anglophone school districts in New Brunswick.

Everyone at their best

10-year education plan (anglophone sector)