Government of New Brunswick

Results 1 - 56 of 56

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Title Fees Forms Contacts Online
Air Quality Approvals and Permits
Aquaculture Licence - Commercial
Aquaculture Licence - Institutional
Beekeeper Registration  
Bituminous Shale Development Permit  
Bituminous Shale Lease   
Bituminous Shale Licence to Search  
Communal Wastewater Treatment Facility Approval
Composting Facilities Approvals
Crown Aggregate - Acquisition of Pit and Quarry Rights - Quarry Lease  
Crown Aggregate - Acquisition of Pit and Quarry Rights - Quarry Permit  
Crown Aggregate - Acquisition of Pit and Quarry Rights - Written Authorization  
Crown Lands - Lease and Permit for Aquaculture Purposes
Crown Lands - Leases
Crown Lands - Licence of Occupation
Crown Lands - Maple Sugary Lease 
Crown Lands - Shooting Range Lease
Crown Lands - Wind Exploration Licence
Dairy Licences 
Environmental Impact Assessment Registration  
Fees for Planning Services  
Freshwater Aquaculture Certificate of Approval
Geophysical Exploration Licence 
Geophysical Exploration Permit 
Land Reclamation Site Approval
Land-based Dredging Material Disposal Site Approval
Licensing of Livestock Operation   
Marine Finfish Aquaculture Approval
Mining Lease 
Oil and Natural Gas Lease  
Oil and Natural Gas Licence to Search  
Ozone Depleting Substances and other Halocarbons Permits 
Peat Exploration Licence  
Permits for Activity in a Protected Natural Area 
Pesticide Applicator Certificate 
Pesticide Operator Licence 
Pesticide Permit
Pesticide Vendor Licence 
Petroleum Storage Site Approval and Petroleum Storage Environmental Approvals  
Petroleum Storage Site Licence 
Petroleum Storage Tank Installer's Licence 
Pheasant Preserve Licence  
Pipe Line Licence  
Pipe Line Permit  
Prospecting Licence  
Salvage Dealer Licence 
Seafood Processing Licences and Certificates
Septage Handling Business Approval
Underground Storage Construction Permit  
Underground Storage Exploration Licence  
Underground Storage Lease  
Used Oil - Carrier Approval
Water Quality Approvals For A Source
Water Supply Source Assessment Permit  
Watercourse and Wetland Alteration Permit  
Watershed Protected Area Designation Order (Application for an Exemption)  



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