Government of New Brunswick

Self-employed persons with any other employees are not eligible for assistance.


Applicants who are self-employed

Guidelines for providing assistance for applicants who are self-employed:

  • Assistance may only be as a last resort; all other sources of income must have been explored.
  • Assistance may not exceed a period of six months. If assistance is requested after the six month period, the value of business assets will be assessed and must be considered as available resources. An exception is participants of the N.B. Entrepreneur Program.
  • No self-employed person(s) with employees are eligible for assistance.
  • Assets normally required to carry on the self-employment are not to be considered when determining initial eligibility for short term assistance, but must be assessed after six months.
  • See N.B. Entrepreneur Program and/or Self Employment Assistance Program (SEA) policy for those involved in such programs.
  • Only the regular Wage Exemption is applied, after eligibility is established.


Clients who become self-employed

Guidelines for providing assistance for clients who become self-employed are:

  • They must have a case plan supporting their ability to operate their own business.
  • They must have reasonable potential for becoming self-sufficient within twelve months. After twelve months, the value of business assets will be assessed and considered an available resource.
  • They must have a business plan prepared by a third party such as an accountant.
  • They must not have previously accessed the Wage Exemption for Self-Employed Clients. That is, this is a one-time-only entitlement.
  • See N.B. Entrepreneur Program. and/or Self Employment Benefits Program (SEB) for those involved in such programs.
  • No self-employed person(s) with employees are eligible for assistance.
  • A copy of any Loan Agreements should be obtained.
  • The income start date will be the first day of business.
  • Income exepmtions will follow the Extended Wage Exemption calculations.
  • Income for self employment is calculated as per Income Calculation for Self-Employed Applicants and Clients.


Entrepreneur Program

Income generated from a business will be exempt for the first year as per Regulation 8(4.2). A NB Entrepreneur Program Loan is exempted as per Regulation 8(2)(e.2) These cases are only subject to the six month re-assessment of assets etc. six months after the first year of the loan.


Income calculation for self-employed applicants and clients

Income will be calculated as gross revenue (sales or earnings) less business expenses to a maximum amount of 50% of gross revenue.


Self employment assistance program (SEA)

Applicants receiving financial assistance through the Federal Self Employment Assistance Program (SEA), will have this income deducted from their basic rate for the duration of this 52 week program. Income generated by these businesses will be treated as for all other self-employed applicants and/or clients.


Wage exemption for self-employed clients

For clients who become self-employed, the income from such self-employment is totally exempt during the first three months of business, and at four months they may be eligible for the Wage Exemption. Clients are only entitled to the total exemption for three months once. This is done by entering the actual income after calculation as Real Net Income and entering an amount of zero as the Net Income. However, the Wage Exemption is effective from the first to twelve.