Government of New Brunswick

Restorative justice is drawn from and developed out of Indigenous principles and processes, both in Canada and around the world. New Brunswick’s restorative justice processes aim to complement and support the commitment to honour Indigenous teachings, customary law, and Indigenous justice.

Restorative justice is considered both a philosophy and a non-adversarial, non-retributive approach to conflict and crime. It emphasizes healing in persons harmed, the meaningful accountability of persons responsible for causing harm, and the involvement of community members in creating healthier, safer, and stronger communities.

In many cases Diversion programs for both youth and adults use restorative justice principles as part of the process. Restorative justice helps to repair harm and address the underlying circumstances that contributed to a crime by providing an opportunity for everyone impacted to communicate, address their needs, and collaboratively participate in the resolution.


New Brunswick’s Restorative Justice practices are guided by eight fundamental principles:

  • Voluntary - participation of all parties must be voluntary and based on informed, ongoing consent;
  • Holistic - considers personal and cultural histories, contexts, and the causes of harm and its impacts;
  • Meaningful accountability and responsibility - assist in acknowledging, understanding and expressing harm caused (physical, mental, emotional and/or financial) and taking responsibility for reparation;
  • Inclusivity - ensure processes are culturally-grounded and trauma-informed while promoting open, honest, respectful and safe communication between all parties;
  • Collaborative and participatory - all parties shall treat one another with dignity, compassion and equality;
  • Relational and reconciliatory - promotes equality, just relations and reconciliation between individuals, groups and communities, while acknowledging the longstanding oppression, inequity and complex histories of marginalized groups;
  • Flexible and responsive - tailored to meet the cultural, emotional, spiritual and health needs of all parties, taking into consideration systems of oppression, such as racism, homophobia and gendered oppression;
  • Forward-focused - focus on problem-solving, prevention, education and rehabilitation-focused, rather than taking a punitive approach.


You can make a difference in your community by becoming a volunteer facilitator for the Restorative Justice program.

Restorative Justice Facilitators are trained in facilitating community justice forums to assist in repairing harm caused by crime. This includes guiding restorative conversations between youth and adults who have caused harm, those who have been harmed, and affected community members. On an “as needed” basis, trained facilitators will be called upon to facilitate community justice forums in their community and/or region.

Learn more by reading the overview. To apply, complete this application form and submit it to [email protected]