Government of New Brunswick

Stepping forward and being counted on as a person who is always there for someone else is much to be proud of. To become involved in the community as a volunteer because of a need, perceived by an individual , for their special abilities is also something to be proud of. However, to voluntarily risk one’s own life to save and protect the community from the tragedy of fire goes beyond the bounds of many people’s thinking.

Yet, in New Brunswick there are approximately 4,100 firefighters, They are from all walks of life, from all different backgrounds and all with one main thing on common: a dedication to the people and property of their community to protect them from fire.

The importance of the volunteer fire service to the Province cannot be overemphasized nor should it be taken for granted. Times are changing rapidly and what used to be the definition of “firefighter” no longer applies. Today’s firefighter is expected to respond to an ever increasing variety of situations. Often times fire is not a part of the incident at all, but the fire department is the best equipped and best trained organization available to respond to the needs of their community. Let us all rededicate ourselves to service our community towards reducing the losses and making New Brunswick a more peaceful and safer place to live and work.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter, contact your local Fire Department.