Healthy People promotes healthy lifestyles, injury prevention, chronic disease surveillance and prevention throughout our lifespan; including pregnancy, early childhood, children, teens and adults. Healthy lifestyle choices improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and our communities.
Healthy People
Healthy Pregnancy and Early Childhood
- Infant Formula Shortage: Information for Families
- Working Together Makes Breastfeeding Better!
- A New Life prenatal manual and modules
- Breastfeeding and Baby-friendly Initiative (BFI)
- Infant and Young Child Feeding and Nutrition
- Automatic Powdered Infant Formula Preparation Machines - Be aware!
- Loving Care (Series of book)
- Safe Sleep
- Bisphenol A (BPA) and Infants (Factsheet)
- Car Seat and Booster Seat Chart (Factsheet)
- Healthy Families, Healthy Babies program
- Prenatal Benefit Program
- Postnatal Benefit Program
- Healthy Toddler Assessment
- Your Child’s Teeth
- COVID-19 Vaccine Information Sheet Information for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
Healthy Children
Healthy Teens and Adults
Mental Fitness
Healthy at Any Age
Food Security
The Community Food Action Grant program can provide grants of up to $5,000 to support community-led solutions and programs that use healthy food as a tool to build healthy and connected communities. Typical actions that are funded through this program include community gardens, community kitchens, bulk buying clubs, food related education programs
To be considered for funding your initiative must contribute to the three goals of the Community Food Action Program:
- Increase access to healthy food
- Increase food literacy
- Fosters community connectedness
Grant applications are accepted throughout the year if funds are still available