Government of New Brunswick

What is pneumococcal disease?

Pneumococcal disease is caused by infection with the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae. This infection can lead to pneumonia (infection of the lungs), otitis media (infection of the middle ear) and meningitis (infection of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord).

Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is a serious bacterial infection commonly associated with severe respiratory tract infections. It is one of the leading causes of illness, hospitalization, and death worldwide.

Who is at risk of pneumococcal infections?

In Canada, serious pneumococcal disease is most common in the very young, persons at high risk due to underlying medical conditions or lifestyle factors and adults over 65 years of age.  People who are immunocompromised are at higher risk of invasive pneumococcal disease. Close contacts of positive cases are usually not at increased risk of infection, and if a follow up is required, individuals will be contacted by Public Health.

If you are unsure if your medical condition puts you at high risk, contact your Primary Care Provider.

How is pneumococcal disease spread?

People spread pneumococcal bacteria to others through direct contact with respiratory secretions, like saliva or mucus. Many people, especially children, have the bacteria in their nose or throat at one time or another and don’t get sick; however, the bacteria sometimes can cause an infection.

What are the symptoms?

Pneumococcal disease can include many different types of infections. Symptoms depend on the part of the body that is infected and the age of the person.

  • Pneumonia can cause shortness of breath, fever, lack of energy, loss of appetite, headache, chest pain and cough.
  • Otitis media. In children, can cause crying, tugging at the ear, fever, irritability, poor hearing, and sometimes diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Meningitis can cause fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.

How is pneumococcal disease diagnosed?

Early diagnosis is very important for serious pneumococcal infections. Your doctor or nurse practitioner can diagnose pneumococcal disease from the symptoms, doing an examination, and/or by doing some special tests. These tests may include a chest x-ray, and/or taking samples to look for the bacteria in the infected part of your body.

How is pneumococcal disease treated?

Treatment includes antibiotics, medicine to control the fever and pain, and fluids to prevent dehydration.

How can pneumococcal disease be prevented?

Vaccines are available to prevent many types of pneumococcal disease. The more people who are immunized against pneumococcal diseases, the harder it is for the virus to spread. There are two vaccines available against pneumococcal disease:

1.      Pneumococcal 15-valent Conjugate Vaccine (Vaxneuvance 15)

The New Brunswick routine immunization schedule provides routine pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (Vaxneuvance 15) to all New- Brunswick children at age two months, four months and 12 months of age.

If your child has specific conditions that place him or her at increased risk of invasive pneumococcal disease, refer to the section below for the appropriate vaccine.

2.     Pneumococcal 20-valent conjugate Vaccine (Prevnar 20)

New Brunswick routine immunization schedule provides this vaccine to:

  • Individuals aged 65 years and over, who have never previously received a pneumococcal vaccine.
  • Individuals 18 years and over, newly admitted to long-term care facility.
  • Any individuals (infants, children and adults) who have specific health and environmental conditions that place them at greater risk of pneumococcal disease. 

You can ask a healthcare provider to see if you are eligible for the vaccine.

Children can receive their vaccine through their local public health office or primary care provider.

Adults aged less than 65 years of age can contact their primary care provider.

Adults aged 65 years of age and older can contact their primary care provider or their local pharmacist. The pharmacy link below lists all participating pharmacies by zone.