The provincial Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening Program (CCPSP) has been operational since November 2014.
Who can access this program?
- Screening for cervical cancer using Pap tests are recommended for NB women aged 21-69 who have ever been sexually active with a partner of either gender:
- Even after menopause (no longer having periods)
- Even after having the HPV vaccine.
- Contact your primary health-care provider to discuss cervical cancer screening.
Program Letters:
As part of the NB Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening Program, letters will be sent to eligible NB women (age 21-69) and to primary health-care providers (PCP) in accordance to clinical practice guidelines.
The program will send:
- Invitation letters to newly eligible women (>21 years of age or relocated to NB) or any women between 21-69 years of age who has not had cervical screening (NO record of a Pap test since 2011 or no record of a total hysterectomy since 2002 in NB);
- Recall letters to eligible women who have been screened in the past but are overdue for routine cervical screening;
- Reminder letters to the health-care provider associated to an abnormal Pap test result in cases when follow up is overdue; and six months later, a reminder letter to the program participant and a copy to the associated healthcare provider if follow up has not yet occurred.
NOTE: The Cervical Program does not send letters to women or healthcare providers when:
- The Pap test result is negative,
- The follow-up is done according to the Clinical Practice Guidelines for normal or abnormal results,
- Women are outside the target age group of 21-69, without a cervix, already had a cervical cancer, or choose to “not participate” in the cervical program.
If you have any questions regarding Cancer Screening,
call 1-844-777-3443.