Government of New Brunswick

Policy Statement

It is the policy of the provincial government, as employer, to provide and maintain healthful working conditions and procedures which are:

  • conducive to the health and safety of employees, and
  • in keeping with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations for preventing or reducing the risk of employment injury


Occupational Health and Safety applies to:

  • all individuals employed in all parts of the Public Service.


In addition to complying with the Act, the following responsibilities for health and safety apply:

The… is/are responsible for…
Departments and agencies implementing and maintaining safety programs appropriate to organizational, occupational and employees needs.
Supervisory personnel adequately instructing and training all employees under their direction, and

ensuring that policies on safe work methods and practices are fully understood and adhered to.
Employees conducting themselves to ensure their own health and safety and that of other persons at, in or near their place of employment

reporting to the employer the existence of any hazard of which they are aware

wearing or using such protective equipment as is required by regulation

consulting and co-operating with joint health and safety committees and/or representatives
