Government of New Brunswick





  • Based on the 2006 Census, 729,995 people live in New Brunswick and approximately 100,740 (13.8%) of them are living in poverty.
  • There are 29,150 single mothers in New Brunswick and approximately 13,234 of them (45.4%) are living in poverty.
  • There are 141, 593 people in New Brunswick who are under the age of 18 and approximately 23,221 (16.4%) of them are living in poverty.
  • There are 107,640 seniors in New Brunswick and approximately 11,733 (10.9%) of them are living in poverty.
  • Approximately 38,984 New Brunswickers are receiving social assistance.






  • Half of New Brunswick families have an income of $54,200 or less.
  • Half of New Brunswick single mothers have an income of $25,900 or less.
  • Half of New Brunswick single persons have an income of $20,200 or less.
  • Of the 217,790 families in New Brunswick, 16,116 (7.4%) of them have an income of less than $20,000 a year.
  • Of the 93,000 single people in New Brunswick, 46,221 (49.7%) of them have an income of less than $20,000 a year.






  • The average rent for a three bedroom apartment in New Brunswick is $705 per month.
  • It cost about $2,606 for childcare to be provided outside the home, and $1,291 for childcare to be provided inside the home a year.
  • The average cost of gasoline and other fuels is $2,623 a year.
  • On average, it cost $364 for the year to send a child to camp, and the average cost of sports equipment was $406 per year.
  • On average, recreational activities cost $3,156 per year.
  • The average cost of food for a year is $6,082.
  • The average annual cost of shelter in New Brunswick is $9,124.



Employment / Pensions



  • 122,539 New Brunswickers are members of a registered pension plan.
  • 63,614 of those New Brunswickers were public employees; the remaining 58,925 were private sector employees.
  •  36.6% of paid workers in New Brunswick are investing in RRSPs.
  • Approximately 320,700 New Brunswickers are employed full or part-time.
  • Of the employed people in New Brunswick, approximately 12% of them earn less than $8 per hour.
  • There are 35,100 New Brunswickers looking for a job.



Community Services



  • In 2007 approximately 92,755 adults (age 18+) and 26,353 youth (under the age of 18) are served by New Brunswick food banks in a year.
  • Approximately 65% of food bank users are receiving social assistance, while 10.7% of those who go to the food bank have jobs.
  • During 2007, 833 bankruptcies were filed which is 14% more than were filed in 2006.