Government of New Brunswick

The Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development (DNRED) continuously evaluates the risk that insect and disease pests pose to sustainable forest management values. When these risks exceed acceptable thresholds, management interventions are designed and implemented within an integrated pest management context. A variety of forest health surveys are conducted every year on both native and invasive insects and diseases, with analyses to support risk evaluations and planning activities. At the end of each year, DNRED compiles these results and publishes our efforts in the Summary of Forest Pest Conditions in New Brunswick.

DNRED monitors all forest types including those on Crown, industry freehold, and private lands, following up on pests reported by the public through our Report A Pest Online tool.

Although forest insect and disease issues are always changing, DNRED is involved in several ongoing, and often large-scale, pest management projects. These projects are often collaborative in nature, such as the Healthy Forest Partnership, Early Intervention Strategy to suppress a large-scale spruce budworm outbreak.