General Accountability:
The Department of the Environment and Local Government has signed a Letter of Understanding with the New Brunswick Dental Association, aimed at establishing best management practices at dental offices in order to ensure consistency with the Canada-Wide Standards for Dental Amalgams. The development of a guide to best management practices is planned, for eventual distribution to dentists in New Brunswick.
Public Role:
A link to the CWS for Dental Amalgams and other relevant information will be placed on the Department’s web site. The Letter of Understanding and other relevant information will also be posted on the web site, where public feedback will be solicited.
Access to Information:
Information related to New Brunswick’s progress towards achieving the Canada-Wide Standards will be placed on the Department’s web site. Other information will be provided to the public upon request.
Verifiable Progress:
The Department will explore the feasibility of conducting an audit-type monitoring program, in partnership with the New Brunswick Dental Association, to ascertain the efficiency of the side-chair traps used by many dentists. The results of such investigations in other jurisdictions will be closely monitored.
Implementation of the CWS for Dental Amalgams is expected to result in improved water quality of municipal effluents and biosolids, and is also expected to result in reduced volumes of dental amalgam waste being disposed of in municipal landfills.