Land development activities can have both short and long term effects on the environment. Therefore, it is important that environmental factors be considered in the early stages of all land development projects.
As an effort to streamline and improve the delivery of services between government departments, New Brunswick Department of Environment (NB ENV) has developed this reference guide for the regional planning commissions. The guide will assist Development Officers to incorporate environmental considerations into the land use planning process.
This document is intended to provide information and guidance with respect to the programs and policies of NB ENV as they relate to development planning. The objective of the guide is to provide a quick reference explanation of the relevant NB ENV policies and regulations for their consideration in the early stages of development.
In an attempt to produce a quick and easy reference document, the applicable Departmental programs have been presented in a summarized format. This guide provides sufficient information to enable Development Officers to advise the public on the environmental restrictions relevant to proposed projects, and/ or to direct an applicant to the appropriate NB ENV office for assistance.
This document is not a comprehensive overview of NB ENV regulations, and should not be considered all inclusive. The programs identified and described within are those which are considered to intertwine with the activities of Development Officers and Municipal Planners.
The format of this document allows for revisions and updates, and it is expected that with continued use, the need for additional or more detailed information will become apparent, and will be incorporated into future versions.