Everyone benefits when New Brunswick youth have the skills, strategies, supports and resilience necessary to successfully pursue their preferred futures. The New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) is focused on systemically advancing the current design and delivery of career development K-12. Career development is the lifelong process of managing learning (formal and informal), work (paid and unpaid), and the transitions in between in order to move toward one’s preferred future (Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training, 2015). Specifically, EECD will continue to ensure effective transitioning for all, including learners with diverse needs.
In an effort to prepare all students for a fulfilling and prosperous future, the Universal Design for Learning principles have been applied to the design and delivery of Career Connected Learning (CCL) K-12. Universal design for CCL is designed to meet the needs of all learners using multiple means of engagement, expression, and representation.