Language portfolios

Access an overview of language and intercultural skills and track your progress as you achieve your linguistic skills.


The language portfolio allows you to track and understand an overview of your language and intercultural skills. You can follow your progress throughout your career. Keep your profile updated as you work to attain your linguistic goals and cultural goals as a lifelong learner.

Components of the language portfolio

The electronic language portfolio used by Services linguistiques has been informed by work done by the Council of Europe. Also, it was informed by work done by the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers and the Collège Communautaire du Nouveau Brunswick (with permissions).

The language portfolio has the following components:

  1. My self-assessment / Mon autoévaluation
  2. My plan / Mon plan
  3. My learning summary / Mon bilan du plan
  4. My autobiography / Mon autobiographie
  5. My passport / Mon passeport de langue