Information for operators

How we're lowering fees

Early learning and child care services offer a dual support to families: labor force participation for parents and early learning experiences for children.  Over the last few years, New Brunswick has transformed its childcare system through the designation of New Brunswick Early Learning Centre and New Brunswick Early Learning Homes.  The designation program focused on ensuring an affordable access to services for families and strengthening quality learning for children. New Brunswick’s vision is to ensure access to a high-quality, affordable, and inclusive early learning and child care system that families can rely on and where every child receives the necessary services to reach their full potential.

Reduction in Parent Fees

 ​Standardized Parent Fee Grid



 Large Urban

Full Day​



Part Day​



 Small Urban & Rural

Full Day​



Part Day​




Facility Eligibility

Funding under the Canada-New Brunswick Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement is only available to designated facilities for the services offered to preschool-aged children.

Operators of designated facilities are required to apply the Standardized Parent Fee Grid and only charge parents the amount indicated above, beginning June 1, 2022.

Funding to operators

To help cover the difference in revenue, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is introducing the Parent Fee Reduction Grant for operators of designated facilities. This new grant will cover the difference between the new Standardized Parent Fee Grid and the fees on record for their designated facility.

For families with a gross annual income of less than $80,000, the Parent Subsidy Program has been adapted to the new standard fees and continues to be available to support low- and middle-income families with the cost of childcare for the portion that is charged by operators.

Operators continue to receive that Infant and Quality Operational Grants.

Non designated Early Learning and Child Care Facilities

Early learning and child care facilities that are not designated are not eligible to receive any funding from the Canada-New Brunswick Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. This means that the reduced parent fees are not available.

However, low and middle income families registered in non-designated facilities have access to the Daycare Assistance Program to help cover cost of fees based on eligibility criteria. Parents can verify if they qualify for the Daycare Assistance Program by using this calculator.

A child care facility can be licensed, but not designated as a New Brunswick Early Learning Centre or Home . Operators participate in a voluntary application process to obtain the designation.  You can check the status of designation of your early learning and childcare facility here.