About the Information Access and Privacy Unit

The team that administers the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA).


The Information Access and Privacy Unit (IAPU) is responsible for the administration of the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA) and provides leadership on privacy and access to information issues. The unit publishes an annual report of right to information request statistics of government departments.

Our mandate

The IAPU is responsible for the administration of RTIPPA. The unit provides leadership and expertise on access to information and privacy related policy issues. The unit:

  • Provides strategy, policy, expertise and leadership to and within government on information access and privacy.
  • Supports public bodies in complying with their access and privacy obligations under RTIPPA (through advice, training and awareness, tools, guidance, and resource materials).
  • Assists the public in understanding access to information and protection of privacy rights under RTIPPA.

Contact information

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-506-444-4180 (all calls go to voicemail and someone will return your call within 24 hours)

Office hours: 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday

Annual reports