Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries





The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a federal/provincial cost-shared suite of targeted programs to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. Funding is available for both for profit and non-profit organizations.

$ 8,528,000

New Brunswick Fisheries Fund

The fund will support strategic and innovative projects that benefit the fish and seafood sectors.  Projects that improve competitiveness, innovation, and resilience of the seafood and aquaculture sectors will be considered. The program is intended to address gaps in existing programs and will have the flexibility to respond to the needs of the sector and aim to address emerging priorities. The program will support projects that corresponds to one of the following objectives: Market access and product diversification, Innovation, productivity, and technology adoption.


Strategic Initiative Fund

The fund may support strategic and innovative projects that benefit the agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries sectors.  Projects that improve food self sufficiency in New Brunswick will be considered along with projects that are strategic to the long-term sustainability of the agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries sectors.  The fund is intended to complement existing Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Programs and fund projects that do not qualify for funding from other programs.  


Provides financial assistance for the transportation of dolomitic and calcitic limestone (e.g., AgLime) from the source of origin to the delivery destination. Funding is available for both for profit and non-profit organizations.


New Brunswick Fairs and Exhibitions Agriculture Awareness Program

Increase awareness and understanding of the agricultural industries which benefit and contribute to our rural areas and the economy of New Brunswick. Applicants must be members of the New Brunswick Fairs and Exhibitions Association.


Special Events Contribution Program

Provides financial assistance to non-profit organizations hosting events that promote the agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries sectors.


Fish and Seafood Trade Assistance Program

Provides financial assistance to increase exports of New Brunswick aquaculture and fisheries products. Funding is available for both for profit and non-profit organizations.


Local Food Market Development Program

Provides financial assistance to support local and domestic market opportunities for New Brunswick’s food and beverages sectors. Funding is available for both for profit and non-profit organizations.
