Here you can make
a difference.

This is New Brunswick Education.

The job you love. The lifestyle you want.

New Brunswick is the place where your education career can flourish while you enjoy a lifestyle that’s laidback but never short on adventures. Our culturally diverse province has communities ranked among the best places to live in the world. Being next door to nature and vibrant cultures are just some of the reasons education professionals choose to call New Brunswick home.

New Brunswick education system at a glance


297 3,552 106,481
Schools in NB Number of classrooms Estimated number of pupils enrolled

map of anglophone school districts
map of francophone school districts

As Canada’s only officially bilingual province, New Brunswick has two distinct education sectors: Francophone and Anglophone. Each sector is subdivided geographically into school districts. The districts are responsible for hiring educational staff.

Anglophone sector job search sites

Francophone sector job search sites