I have insurance. Should I still apply for the benefit?
Yes. Parents or guardians should still complete the application form and receive their child’s benefit identification number prior to their eye exam if they believe their insurance will not cover the total amount.
I have insurance. Will I receive any benefit for my child’s eye exam?
Yes. Any amount of your child’s eye exam that is not covered by your private insurance is covered under this benefit.
I have insurance. Will I receive any benefit for my child’s glasses?
Maybe. If your private insurance covers more than the maximum benefit amount that the Vision Benefit for Four Year Olds covers for glasses you will not receive any benefit.
Examples: Child requires single vision glasses
Example No. 1:
The glasses for your child cost $500.00. Your insurance paid for 80% of the glasses’ cost = $400.00. Since your private insurance paid more than the maximum program benefit of $282.29 you will not receive any compensation.
Example No. 2:
The glasses for your child cost $500.00. Your insurance paid for 50% of the glasses’ cost = $250.00. Therefore since your private insurance paid less than the maximum program’s benefit of $282.29 you will receive compensation equal to: $282.29 - $250.00 = $32.29
Note: The maximum benefit for corrective glasses reflects the fees as per the Provinces HSCV agreements with the provincial vision associations.
How do I get reimbursed for my child’s eye exam or corrective glasses?
Following your child’s eye exam or purchase of corrective glasses, the parent submits a vision claim to their private insurance company or companies – if the parents have separate insurance providers.
When the parent receives a statement from their private insurance they may submit the HSCV – Vision Benefit for Four Year Olds claim form and a copy of their detailed reimbursement receipt(s) to Medavie Blue Cross for assessment.
Medavie Blue Cross will assess your vision claim and forward any applicable vision compensation.
What if my child turns five years old while they are waiting to receive their glasses?
Your child’s eye exam and the ordering of glasses must take place while the child is four years old. If your child turns five between the times you ordered their glasses and the time you receive their glasses you or the service provider may still invoice Medavie Blue Cross. The claim must be submitted by mail using the Medavie Blue Cross HSCV – Vision Benefit for Four Year Olds claim form.
Where do I get a HSCV – Vision Benefit for Four Year Olds Claim Form?
The Application form is available for download.
Benefit claim forms are also available at your vision care provider’s office.
Completed benefit claim forms and copies of any other required information are to be mailed or faxed to:
Healthy Smiles, Clear Vision
Vision Benefit for Four Year Olds
644 Main Street, P.O. Box 220 Moncton, NB, E1C 8L3
Fax: 506-867-4651
Parents may also call the following numbers if they have any questions regarding the Vision Benefit for Four Year Olds.
Telephone number: 506-867-6026
Toll free number: 1-855-839-9229
How long will it take to receive reimbursement?
Once Medavie Blue Cross receives your benefit claim, it will take approximately 10 business days for you to receive any potential benefit payment.