Government of New Brunswick

May is declared Sexual Violence Awareness Month in New Brunswick to raise awareness about how sexual violence impacts individuals and how communities can be the best responders to survivors. Everyone has a contribution to make by challenging myths, stereotypes and behaviours that normalize and trivialize sexual violence. We can create a compassionate society by building a culture that values and nurtures all genders and acknowledges the harm of sexual violence.  

In New Brunswick, we embrace nurturance, sowing seeds of change and cultivating growth in individuals and communities. Survivors can heal from the trauma of sexual violence because “Support grows here”. Communities are the soil and fertilizer that sustain the growth of all members and create a healthy and safe environment.

Spring is a time of growth and renewal and during Sexual Violence Awareness Month we hope to inspire growth in the citizens of New Brunswick. Growth from learning more about sexual violence and the attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate myths and stereotypes about survivors and about people who cause harm.

During the month of May, and every day of the year, be part of the culture transformation, acknowledge the harm of sexual violence and sow the seeds of equality and inclusion.


Pictured with Minister Wilson are representatives form Sexual Violence New Brunswick: Catherine Gosselin, Community Engagement Coordinator and Lorraine Whalley, Executive Director.

Minister responsible for Women’s Equality Sherry Wilson signs a declaration proclaiming the month of May as Sexual Violence Awareness Month in New Brunswick.

Women’s Equality and Sexual Violence New Brunswick, as well as community-based sexual violence services throughout the province, work collaboratively to address sexual violence in our province empowering survivors, educating communities, and advocating for change. 

Education is key! Here are some resources to learn more about sexual violence and how you can better support survivors:

Women's Equality - New Brunswick (
Landing - Sexual Violence New Brunswick (

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If you have been sexually assaulted, there are supports and services available to you.


For more information, please contact:

Women’s Equality Branch

Violence Prevention and Community Partnerships Initiatives (Unit)

20 McGloin St
PO Box 6000
Fredericton, NB
E3A 5T8
Phone: (506) 453-8126
Toll-free: 1-877-253-0266
E-mail: [email protected]