Government of New Brunswick
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The New Brunswick Human Rights Commission delivers free human rights presentations to employers, service providers, government departments, and educational institutions. Our presentations educate participants about their human rights obligations, and we help organizations integrate human rights principles and best practices in their day-to-day operations.

Presentations are typically one hour in duration and include time for questions from the audience.

Our most requested presentations include:

  • Getting Acquainted with Human Rights
  • The Duty to Accommodate at Work
  • Housing and Human Rights
  • Accommodating Students with Disabilities
  • Human Rights and Sexual Harassment

If requested, the Commission can customize its presentations to the specific needs of an organization or audience. However, we will require sufficient notice of such requests, as facilitating them would be contingent on staff availability.

Organizations can request presentations on specific human rights issues or on specific protections under the Human Rights Act (for example: family status, gender identity or expression, social condition, etc.). These topics must be clearly specified in the presentation form.

To request a presentation, complete the Presentation Request Form and email it to [email protected].

IMPORTANT points to note before you fill out the form:

  • Submit your request at least SIX WEEKS in advance of the preferred date of your presentation.
  • Fill out ALL sections of the form. The Commission is unable to schedule a presentation if forms are incomplete.
  • Select ONE topic of presentation in the form. Multiple topics cannot be accommodated in a single session.
  • Provide other relevant information in the “additional information” section to help the Commission better understand and facilitate your request.

Once your form is received, Commission staff will contact you to schedule a session. If you have questions about the form, you may contact the Commission by email or phone at (506) 453-2301.