Government of New Brunswick

Since its official re-opening on July 1, 1999, thousands of people have toured Government House, making it one of New Brunswick's most popular tourist attractions.  A number of the historic furnishings in Government House are original pieces that date back to the early 1800's, including a dining room table, several chairs and sofas and three chandeliers.  About 400 items of the Government House collection were auctioned in 1897; about 150 pieces have been re-acquired through purchase, donations or gifts in kind.

The ground floor contains the public entrance, kitchen and mechanical rooms. The main floor houses the reception area, the drawing room, the dining room and breakfast room, a library, a music room and two conservatories, as well as the original Lieutenant-Governor's office. 

Rotating exhibits of New Brunswick art, paintings and crafts are featured throughout the year in the second floor gallery. This floor also houses the office of the current Lieutenant-Governor and her staff. The third floor is the Lieutenant-Governor's private residence. It is not open to the public.

Public Use

Government House is open throughout the year for official and public functions. For example, the Lieutenant-Governor hosts a New Year's Day levee open to the public each Jan. 1. 


  • From mid-May to the end of August free bilingual tours are offered Monday-Saturday from 10am to 4pm and Sundays from 12 noon to 4pm. The tours are approximately 45 minutes in length.

  •  School and group tours are available by booking in advance. Call the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor at (506) 453-2505 or e-mail. All tours begin at the visitor's entrance at the east side of the building.


  • Open to the public Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm

Government House is located at 51 Woodstock Road in Fredericton on the St. John River. There is full wheelchair accessibility and adequate free parking for visitors to the east of Government House. (map)