Government of New Brunswick


The purpose of the Pay Equity Learning Module
is to familiarize employers and employees with pay equity.

This module will guide you in examining what pay equity is and the process required
to establish it in your organization.

The under-valuation of traditional female occupations refers to paying lower wages to women, regardless 
of whether men perform the same duties. For example, manual and repair skills of a mechanic or 
service personnel are often recognized and valued but dexterity skills of a typist or multi-tasking skills 
of a receptionist are often not. Because this bias is deeply rooted in our society, employers sometimes 
discriminate in what they pay their workers without realizing it.

While highlighting the many benefits of a pay equity program to all employers,
this module provides access to tools, resources and supports for
any organization seeking more information on how to implement pay equity. 



Need assistance and advice, contact us at
[email protected]
or by phone 1-877-253-0266




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