Government of New Brunswick

Archaeological Services participates in research projects when they match with the stated mandate of the Unit. Staff archaeologists provide background information on specific archaeological sites.  We also prepare research documents and publications and13km participate in forums, symposiums and workshops. Archaeological Services’ staff contribute to our understanding of the province’s heritage and bring the discoveries of Archaeological Services to the attention of First Nations, the public and the broader archaeological community.

Staff members also facilitate the work of others by providing interpretations on research and access to both collections and internal unpublished documents.  We cooperate with scholars and students, with First Nations and with other communities, societies, agencies, and individuals whose wish it is to advance our understanding of New Brunswick's past.


Research Facilities

Archaeological Services maintains an archaeological laboratory with extensive comparative materials and analytical equipment to facilitate the analysis of the provincial collections and where possible to aid students in their research. The research lab also houses a cold storage area for organic artifacts and samples.
