Government of New Brunswick

1) Why is screening for cervical cancer important?

Regular cervical cancer screening with Pap tests is important because cervical cancer can often develop without any warning signs or symptoms. The goal is to catch and treat precancerous changes (dysplasia) early before cancer develops or before it spreads. 

Remember, cervical cancer can be prevented!

Speak to your primary health-care provider today about cervical cancer screening!

2) How do you screen for cervical cancer?

The best way to prevent cervical cancer is to check the cells on your cervix for early abnormal cell changes. A Pap test screens for these unhealthy or abnormal cells. This test is normally performed by a physician, nurse practitioner or trained nurse.

No screening test is 100% accurate. Sometimes, further testing with additional Pap tests, HPV testing, or colposcopy may be recommended.

Remember, cervical cancer can be prevented!

Speak to your primary health-care provider today about cervical cancer screening!

3) Who should be screened for cervical cancer?

Regular cervical cancer screening with Pap tests is recommended for women aged 21-69 who have ever had sex (such as oral sex, touching of genitals, intercourse, etc) with a partner of either gender:

  • Even if you no longer have periods or
  • Even if you had the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine.

Women with warning signs of cervical cancer and those who have a personal history of cervical cancer should talk with their primary health-care provider (doctor or nurse) about the most appropriate screening for them. Warning signs of cervical cancer warranting a visit with your primary health-care provider include:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding (i.e.: between periods or after sexual intercourse)
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Clear watery discharge from the vagina
  • Increased amount of discharge from the vagina
  • Foul-smelling discharge from the vagina

4) How was I chosen to be screened?

Research shows that women aged 21 to 69 who have ever been sexually active benefit the most from screening for cervical cancer. In order to offer this crucial screening program to the people of New Brunswick, the Department of Health has provided the Cervical Cancer Prevention & Screening Program with the names and addresses of people between the ages of 21 and 69 from existing information sources. 

5) What are the benefits and limitations of cervical screening?

Almost every test or procedure has benefits and limitations. It’s important to be aware of them so that you can make an informed decision that’s right for you. No screening test is 100% accurate, but the scientific evidence tells us that having regular Pap tests decreases the death rate from cervical cancer in women.


  • Having a Pap test reassures you if the result is normal. 
  • Regular Pap tests may help prevent cervical cancer by finding cervical cell changes in your body that would become cancer if left untreated.
  • A Pap test helps find cervical cancer early before you have symptoms. 
  • A Pap test helps find cervical cancer before it spreads when it is easier to treat
  • Early detection may mean less treatment and less time spent recovering. 
  • The earlier cervical cancer is detected, the better your chance of survival. 


  • A Pap test may suggest cervical abnormalities when there are none (called a false positive). 
  • A Pap test may not detect cervical cell abnormalities even though they are present (called a false negative). 
  • Some cervical cancers would not necessarily lead to death or decreased quality of life (overdiagnosis).
  • Some women with cervical abnormalities may have more tests or be treated for a condition that may never have developed into cancer. 

*Canadian Cancer Society website (2018)

6) How do I get a cervical cancer screening test?

A Pap test is normally performed by a physician, nurse practitioner or trained nurse.

If you do not have a family physician or nurse practitioner, most communities in New Brunswick have clinics where healthcare professionals trained to collect Pap tests offer this service.

New Brunswick Pap test clinics.